Ayurveda and its better-known sibling Yoga are both considered as part of the eternal ancient Vedic scriptures, the world’s oldest surviving literature.  If Yoga is the science of union with the Divine or with Truth, Ayurveda is the science of life.  If Yoga is the spiritual science, Ayurveda is the healing science.  Through Yoga the goal is a healthy mind and the aim of Ayurveda is a healthy body and a long life. So along with the tools of nutritional advice, daily lifestyle habits, herbs and massage, Ayurvedic remedies also include Yoga to promote longevity and maintain health. Yoga movement and mantra meditation practice is also a tool or remedy by which to balance certain planetary energies in the same way as they can balance the Doshas in Ayurveda.

Should you wish to begin or to deepen your yoga practice, Kate is a Senior Yoga Teacher who teaches from the Vinyasa Krama classical methodology as taught by Sri. T Krishnamacharya and as well as from Shiva Rea’s Prana Flow practices which weave in Ayurvedic principles.

Workshops & Courses

Kate offers workshops and Ayurveda modules to schools of yoga teacher training. Kate also offers Yoga & Ayurveda online courses that are yours for life to help support you through life’s joys and challenges with grace and empowerment.


Kate hosted her teacher Shiva Rea in 2019 and 2022 at Loughcrew Estate Co. Meath by the ancient stone circles of Sliabh na Cailleach and is collaborating with Shiva there again in 26-30 May 2023.

“Master your breath, let the self be in bliss, contemplate on the sublime within you.”

— T. Krishnamacharya